Jeff Roldan is an accomplished documentary filmmaker known for his work on Words of Art and Miracles in Action, both featured on Amazon Prime, iTunes, and Dish Network. He has worked with leading authorities on documentary films in multiple industries. After establishing Creative Realm Entertainment in 2011, Jeff has directed several award-winning feature-length documentaries including, I-ology and Words of Art.
Jeff’s formal training in movie creation took place as he majored in Televisions and Film at San Diego State University from 1999-2003. During that time he began his first video production company and has since been able to work with some of the nation’s most successful entrepreneurs and use his creative gifts to help tell their stories. Some of the work Jeff has created has been featured on the major networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Discovery Channel, and HBO.
Cyber Crime will be distributed using several different platforms including placement on “Amazon Prime” for any subscriber to view. The film will also be presented to Netflix for review.
Also, each of the film participants are invited to create a local movement by scheduling various premiere’s where they will be able to host their own showings and create lead generating opportunities within their communities. Each participant will also be welcomed and invited to share the film via social media and other digital distribution methods. The lasting effects of this movie will continue for years to come as audiences across the country are educated by the film.